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Life Membership Policy


The awarding of life membership is recognised by the Jindalee Golf Club Incorporated to be the most prestigious award that the club can provide to a member. To achieve this award, a member must have provided an exceptional level of contribution to the club over an extended period of time. (This policy will be subject to review by the management committee and should be read in conjunction with the Constitution of the Jindalee Golf Club).


The following criteria is provided as a guide to assist with determining whether a member has met or exceeded the requirements for the awarding of Life Membership. A person being nominated will be expected to have met or to have exceeded these criteria across multiple areas. Members who are considering submitting an application for the awarding of life membership should check against these criteria when completing the application. The members of the Executive Committee will also assess all nominations against these criteria. The following criteria are provided as a guide to assist with this:

  • The nominee must have rendered special service to the Jindalee Golf Club for a minimum of ten years
  • The nominee must have been a Financial Member of the club for a minimum of fifteen years and must have been a substantially active club member for this period (whether golfing or non-golfing)
  • The nominee must also have provided a valuable contribution to the club for a minimum of ten years, where this contribution has provided an undeniable and significant benefit to the Club
  • The nominee must have performed in roles for a minimum of ten years that have greatly contributed to the performance of the club. These may have been with roles on the management committee, providing volunteer work on the golf course, providing volunteer work at the golf clubhouse, assisting with fund raising, assisting with social activities, assisting with sub- committees, or representing the club in a formal or social capacity. Service provided to the club as a member of the management committee will be weighted higher than other areas when multiple nominations are assessed against each other
  • The nominee may also have represented the club with distinction in golfing related events in the local area, state or national levels
  • In addition to meeting these criteria, a member must not have been subject to any Code of Conduct infringements during the duration of his/her membership
  • However, meeting these criteria requirements does not provide automatic grounds for the granting of Life Membership and restrictions will apply
  • The maximum number of life memberships awarded per year will be two life memberships
  • The maximum number of life members will be limited to a maximum of ten life members (this will exclude those life members who are deceased, although they will still be recognised as life members)
  • Life Membership should not be unduly withheld for worthy candidates and can be awarded retrospectively (subject to award limitations per year and limitations for the total life memberships awarded)


  • Any current financial 7 day, 5 day, or life member can propose or second a nomination proposal for the award of life membership
  • A member can not nominate themselves for the award of life membership. However, details may be obtained from a member to help support an application for life membership
  • The nomination is to be submitted using the approved nomination form as per Appendix A
  • The person submitting the nomination must provide an adequate level of information to support why the nominee is considered to have met the criteria, and is worthy of this award
  • Nominations must be in writing and the completed nomination form must be submitted to the club secretary at least three months prior to the date of the next AGM if that nomination is to be considered for that AGM (any resolutions for the award of life membership must be provided to members with the notice to hold the AGM, as per the constitution)
  • The club secretary will then include the life membership nomination in the agenda for the next committee meeting for assessment by the committee
  • All nominations for life membership must be kept in confidence until the nomination has been included in the agenda for the AGM
  • The club management committee will assess all nominations for life membership against the criteria, and will then vote on whether the nomination is endorsed or rejected.
  • If a member of the committee is the proposer or seconder for a nomination, they will not be able to vote on this nomination due to conflict of interest rules
  • Where more than two nominations are received in one year, the committee will assess all nominations to work out which two nominations will be endorsed to progress to being included as a resolution to be voted on at the next AGM
  • A majority vote by the committee will be required in order for a nomination to be endorsed to progress to the next stage in the process (Inclusion of resolution at the next AGM)
  • Where a nomination is not endorsed by the management committee, a new nomination for this member may be submitted in future years
  • Nominations that are endorsed by the management committee will be included in the agenda for the next AGM so the members can vote on the resolution. This requires a majority of two-thirds for this to be passed at the AGM (by secret ballot)
  • Nominations that are not endorsed by the management committee will not be included in the agenda for the next AGM, and the proposer will be advised in writing of the decision
  • Once a resolution for life membership is approved at an AGM that member will be formally advised of the decision, and this decision will also be included in any club newsletters and on the club’s website


  • The member will be awarded with a life membership certificate
  • The member will be provided with full membership of the club for life without annual membership fees
  • The members name will be included on the Life Members honour board and website listing
  • The member will be allowed to use the life members carpark where available
  • No other benefits will be provided. For example, this includes any incentives provided to members for early payment of subscriptions, e.g. bar vouchers


  • Life membership will cease on the resignation of club membership by a life member
  • Life membership may be terminated or suspended under the conditions specified in the constitution, section 12. The member also has the right to appeal this decision and to refer this to a General Meeting of the club for a decision on the appeal as specified in the constitution, section 13
  • Life membership will cease after a resolution for cessation of life membership is passed at an AGM or Special General Meeting


Click Here to download the Life Membership Application Form


Click Here to download the Life Membership Document